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Paragraph on the day I forgot to do my homework: A funny and embarrassing story


Start right away. Just because it's called "homework" doesn't mean you have to do it at home. Use study periods or other extra time in your school day. The more you get done in school, the less you have to do at night.

paragraph on the day i forgot to do my homework

Budget your time. If you don't finish your homework at school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day. Most high-school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it's a heavy homework day, you'll need to devote more time to homework. It's a good idea to come up with a homework schedule, especially if you're involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.

Find a quiet place to focus. The kitchen table was OK when you were younger and homework didn't require as much concentration. But now you'll do best if you can find a place to get away from noise and distractions, like a bedroom or study.

Avoid studying on your bed. Sit at a desk or table that you can set your computer on and is comfortable to work at. Park your devices while you study. Just having your phone where you can see it can be a distraction. That makes homework take longer.

The battle about homework becomes a battle over control. Your child starts fighting to have more control over the choices in their life, while you feel that your job as a parent is to be in control of things. So you both fight harder, and it turns into a war in your home.

When this starts happening, parents feel more and more out of control, so they punish, nag, threaten, and argue. Some parents stop trying altogether to get their children to do homework. Or, and this is common, parents will over-function for their kids by doing the work for them.

If you feel frustrated, take a break from helping your child with homework. Your blood pressure on the rise is a no-win for everyone. Take five or ten minutes to calm down, and let your child do the same if you feel a storm brewing.

Secondly, I am a FIRM believer in the techniques of behavior modification through positive reinforcement (Karen Pryor). It's up to an invested adult to determine what motivates the student and use those motivators to shape and reinforce desirable behavior such as daily homework completion. A classroom teacher has too many students and too little time to apply this theory.

On Friday I forgot my homework, so I ran home and it wasn't there! Then I saw Fred, my baby brother, was playing with it and then Patch the dog came in and stole it, and then chewed it!I looked at the clock and there was only two minutes to go, so I ran back to school and the bell rang and I got into class just in time! My teacher asked us to hand up our homework. I was scared because I didn't have it! I told the teacher what had happened, she said I was lying!On Monday I got to school early and I have to write 'I must bring back my homework in time' a hundred times on the blackboard, then I did two whole pages in my book of a story. I got a lunch break but I did not have fun.On Friday the same thing happened with my homework and I wish I didn't have a dog and a baby brother to mess up my homework! I thought about putting my homework under lock so I couldn't lose it again, and mum and dad thought that it was a good idea so I got an ipod for doing all my homework on time.On Monday I showed my new ipod to everyone and we lived happily ever after.

Collect EVERYTHING you will need for the homework you are working on (like your laptop for writing assignments and pencils for problem sets). Getting up for supplies takes you off course and makes it that much harder to get back to your homework.

If this happens to you, forward a copy of your receipt or a screenshot proving your purchase along with your myHomework email or username to and we will get the payment applied.

Schools having success deploying myHomework for schools. More information is available at Can parents monitor progress of their child? A parent can monitor their child's self-reported progress if they have access to the account. This means they can either set the account up or ask their child for account access.

Contact the teacher as soon as you suspect your child has a homework problem (as well as when you think he's having any major problems with his schoolwork). Schools have a responsibility to keep you informed about your child's performance and behavior and you have a right to be upset if you don't find out until report-card time that your child is having difficulties. On the other hand, you may figure out that a problem exists before the teacher does. By alerting the teacher, you can work together to solve a problem in its early stages.

Request a meeting with the teacher to discuss homework problems. Tell him briefly why you want to meet. You might say, "Rachel is having trouble with her math homework. I'm worried about why she can't finish the problems and what we might do to help her." If English is your second language, you may need to make special arrangements, such as including in the meeting someone who is bilingual.

Let the teacher know whether your child finds the assignments too hard or too easy. (Teachers also like to know when their students are particularly excited about an assignment.) Of course, not all homework assignments can be expected to interest your child and be perfectly suited to her. Teachers just don't have time to tailor homework to the individual needs of each student. However, most teachers want to assign homework that their students can complete successfully and they welcome feedback.

  • Is the homework often too hard? Maybe your child has fallen behind and will need extra help from the teacher or a tutor to catch up.

  • Does your child need to make up a lot of work because of absences? The first step might be working out a schedule with the teacher.

  • Does your child need extra support beyond what home and school can give her? Ask the teacher, school guidance counselor or principal if there are mentor programs in your community. Mentor programs pair a child with an adult volunteer who assists with the child's special needs. Many schools, universities, community organizations, churches and businesses offer excellent mentoring programs.

Helping your child with homework is an opportunity to improve your child's chances of doing well in school and life. By helping your child with homework, you can help him learn important lessons about discipline and responsibility. You can open up lines of communication—between you and your child and you and the school. You are in a unique position to help your child make connections between school work and the "real world," and thereby bring meaning (and some enjoyment) to your child's homework experience.

Instead of settling for a zero, you need to come up with good excuses to convince your teacher to give you a pass. These excuses not to do homework must be rock solid or else you might end up in even more trouble.

Before you go ahead and make up your excuses not to do homework, there are some things you must pay attention to. This will let you know if the excuse will work or not. The main things are:

Sometimes family can come in the way of getting your homework done on time. This can be because of a toxic home environment, or simply because a lot is going on at the moment. Here are 4 good excuses not to do homework that can be blamed on your family:

As reliable as technology is these days, certain things may happen that will make it difficult for you to complete your homework assignments. Here are 3 excuses not to complete homework that you can blame on technology:

Unfortunately, teachers can sometimes put too much pressure on students to complete homework. Students might end up with a ton of homework that has to go in the same day, or experience scheduling conflicts with their extracurriculars. If this is your experience, here are 3 excuses not to do homework:

Homework. No one wants to do it. But no one wants to get in trouble either. So, here are some of the best homework excuses that are serious, funny, and might even work for strict teachers!

Go home and use your computer to study (if you need to fix your computer first go to Consum-R and buy the parts before doing this) and you can complete your homework before returning the next day to French class.

The arc starts off with Calvin having a nightmare in which his math homework bursts into flames, his teacher turns out to be an alien that pours gasoline on him, then bursts into flames himself, ultimately falling down an abyss and dying.

Calvin then wakes up, initially relieved that it was just a dream -- but then he freaks out upon realizing that he forgot to do his math homework. Calvin wakes up Hobbes and then tries to do his homework, even though it's two o'clock in the morning. But while doing his homework, Calvin notices that there's a bit of snowstorm going on outside, which leads him to believe that there will be a snow day -- he even tries calling the superintendent, but his dad comes downstairs both him and Calvin are upset by waking up early and forces Calvin (and Hobbes) to go back to bed. When Calvin wakes up later on (once the sun's up), he learns that school has cancelled for the day, thus making it a snow day.

However, instead of working on his homework, Calvin chooses to goof off instead and, once again, doesn't bother doing his homework. School's open the next day, but fortunately for Calvin, Miss Wormwood decides to wait until the next day to collect their homework -- after getting home, Calvin claims to Hobbes that he's learned his lesson and that from now on, he's going to put work before pleasure. However, he lawyers his way around by asserting that working on a snowman is work and finishing his math homework is relief and so pleasure. 2ff7e9595c

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