Rejected by females since his birth, Mumbai-based Rajesh Parekh works as a clap-boy with Bollywood film-maker Farah Khan and lives a wealthy lifestyle with his parents, Ramnikbhai and Sushila. The country is agog with the popularity of Farah's latest mega-star, Desh, who has a huge female fan following. Rajesh meets and is attracted to Desh's sister, Natasha, but ends up with heartbreak when she rejects him. While watching a movie in a drive-in theater, a gorgeous amazon lands in his arms and passes out. He takes her home, confides in his friend, Kaushal Milan Tiwari, and attempts to find out who she is. The mystery deepens when she communicates that she is from Venus, and is on Earth to find true love. They decide to name her Tara and show her photos of two of the hottest males on Earth - Brad Pitt and Desh. Since the former is already taken, and the latter single, they decide to try and woo him.
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