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Domino 4 2: A Game of Skill, Luck and Bluffing

Domino 4 2: How to Play the Fun Trick-Taking Game

Domino 4 2 is a popular domino game that combines elements of card games like bridge and spades. It is also known as Texas 42, Four-Hand Texas, or Domino Rounce. In this game, teams of two players compete to win tricks and score points by bidding on their hands and playing dominoes. The first team to reach 250 points or win seven hands wins the game.

In this article, we will explain the rules and strategy of domino 4 2 in detail. We will also provide a table that shows the ranking and value of the domino suits and point dominoes. By the end of this article, you will be ready to play domino 4 2 with your friends and have a lot of fun!

domino 4 2

Table of Contents


Split into two teams of two players

Domino 4 2 can only be played with four players, so get together with three friends and choose a teammate. Sit in a circle around the table so teammates are across from each other. Turns will alternate between a member of the first team and a member of the other team.

Draw a domino and choose the first dealer based on the highest value

Lay all 42 dominoes from a double-six domino set face-down on the table and shuffle them. Each player draws one domino from the pile and flips it face-up. Count the pips (dots) on each domino. Whoever drew the domino with the most pips starts the game as the dealer. You can choose the first dealer randomly if you want to save some time.

Shuffle the dominos and have players draw seven into their hand

The dealer flips over the dominoes that were revealed and shuffles them back into the pile. The team that isnt dealing for the round draws their hands of dominoes first. The dealer and their teammate draw last.


Check your hand for doubles and dominoes that share a suit

The domino suits are the values on one side of a domino, so each domino has two suits. Double dominoes have the same suit on each side, like 6-6 and 5-5. Doubles are valuable, so having three or four of them means you have a good hand.

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If you have three or four dominoes with the same suit, that's also a good hand. This means you have a majority of dominoes in that suit, giving you control of it.

Look for point dominoes in your hand

The five dominoes with a total of five or ten pips earn extra points at the end of the round and are called point dominoes. When a player wins the trick theyre played into, the dominoes are worth five or ten points depending on how many pips they have.

The point dominoes are:

  • 5-5 (worth ten points)

  • 5-0 (worth five points)

  • 4-1 (worth five points)

  • 3-2 (worth five points)

  • 4-6 (worth ten points)

Bid on your hand based on its strength

The bidding starts with the player to the left of the dealer and goes clockwise around the table. Each player can either pass or bid a number between 30 and 42. The number represents the minimum number of points that the player thinks their team can score in the hand. The bid must be higher than the previous bid or pass. The bidding ends when three players pass in a row.

Choose a trump suit if you win the bid

The player who made the highest bid becomes the bidder and chooses a trump suit for the hand. The trump suit is the most powerful suit in the game and can beat any other suit. The bidder can choose any of the seven suits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) as the trump suit, or they can choose "no trumps" which means there is no trump suit for the hand.

Rank and value of the domino suits and point dominoes

The following table shows the ranking and value of the domino suits and point dominoes. The ranking determines which domino wins a trick when two or more dominoes of the same suit are played. The value determines how many points a domino is worth at the end of the hand.





0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0

5-0 is worth 5 points


1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1

4-1 is worth 5 points


2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 6-2

3-2 is worth 5 points


3-3, 4-3, 5-3, 6-3

No point dominoes


4-4, 5-4, 6-4

4-6 is worth 10 points


5-5, 6-5

5-5 is worth 10 points



No point dominoes

Playing a Hand

Lead the first trick with any domino

The bidder leads the first trick by playing any domino from their hand face-up on the table. The suit of the first domino played in a trick is called the lead suit. The other players must follow the lead suit if they can.

Follow the lead suit or play a trump if you can't

The player to the left of the bidder plays next, followed by the bidder's teammate, and then the bidder's opponent. Each player must play a domino from their hand that matches the lead suit if they have one. If they don't have a domino of the lead suit, they can play any other domino, including a trump.

Win the trick with the highest-ranked domino of the lead suit or the highest-ranked trump

The trick is won by the player who played the highest-ranked domino of the lead suit or the highest-ranked trump. The ranking of the domino suits and point dominoes is shown in the table above. If no trump is played, the trick is won by the highest-ranked domino of the lead suit. If more than one trump is played, the trick is won by the highest-ranked trump.

Lead the next trick with any domino

The player who won the previous trick leads the next trick by playing any domino from their hand. The same rules apply as before: follow the lead suit if you can, play a trump if you can't, and win the trick with the highest-ranked domino of the lead suit or trump.

Continue playing until all seven tricks are played

The hand continues until all seven tricks are played and all players have no dominoes left in their hands. The team that won more tricks scores points for their bid and point dominoes. The team that lost more tricks scores points only for their point dominoes.


Add up your points for your bid and point dominoes

If you are on the team that won more tricks, you score points for your bid and point dominoes. Your bid is worth as many points as you bid, so if you bid 35, you score 35 points. Your point dominoes are worth as many points as they have pips, so if you have 5-5 and 4-6 in your tricks, you score 20 points for them.

Add up your points for your point dominoes only

If you are on the team that lost more tricks, you score points only for your point dominoes. You do not score any points for your bid, even if you made it. For example, if you bid 31 and made it, but your opponents won four tricks, you score zero points for your bid and only points for your point dominoes.

Subtract your points from your opponents' points if you were set

If you are on the team that won more tricks, but did not make your bid, you are said to be set. This means that you score zero points for your bid and point dominoes, and your opponents score points equal to your bid plus their point dominoes. For example, if you bid 36 and made only 32 points, you are set and score zero points. Your opponents score 36 points plus their point dominoes.

Keep track of your cumulative score until one team reaches 250 points or wins seven hands

After each hand, add or subtract your points to your cumulative score. The first team to reach 250 points or win seven hands wins the game. If both teams reach 250 points or win seven hands at the same time, the team with more points or hands wins. If both teams have equal points and hands, play another hand to break the tie.


Bid aggressively but realistically

Bidding is an important part of domino 4 2, as it determines how many points you can score or lose in a hand. You want to bid aggressively to prevent your opponents from bidding low and scoring easy points, but you also want to bid realistically based on your hand strength and trump suit choice. A good rule of thumb is to bid one point for each double or point domino in your hand, plus one point for each extra domino in a suit that has four or more dominos.

Choose a trump suit that gives you an advantage

Choosing a trump suit is another crucial decision in domino 4 2. You want to choose a suit that you have a lot of dominoes in, especially doubles, as they are the highest-ranked in each suit. You also want to choose a suit that your opponents don't have a lot of dominoes in, as they will have to play trumps or off-suits. A good strategy is to choose a suit that you have at least three dominoes in, and that is not the same as the suit of the point dominoes, as your opponents are likely to have them.

Play your point dominoes early and your doubles late

Point dominoes are valuable, but they are also risky, as they can be easily trumped by your opponents. You want to play them early in the hand, when the chances of your opponents having trumps are lower. You also want to play them when you are leading the trick, so you can choose a suit that you have control of. If you play them late in the hand, you might lose them to a higher-ranked domino or a trump.

Doubles are powerful, but they are also limited, as they can only be played when their suit is led or when there is no lead suit. You want to play them late in the hand, when you have more information about your opponents' hands and when you can win important tricks with them. You also want to play them when you have the trump suit, so you can beat any other domino in the trick.

Communicate with your partner using signals and counters

Communication is key in domino 4 2, as it helps you and your partner coordinate your bids and plays. However, you are not allowed to talk to your partner or show them your hand during the game. Instead, you can use signals and counters to communicate with them.

Signals are dominoes that indicate what suit you want your partner to lead or what suit you have a lot of. For example, if you play 4-0 as the first domino in a trick, you are signaling to your partner that you want them to lead the 4 suit or that you have a lot of 4s in your hand.

Counters are dominoes that indicate how many point dominoes or trumps you have in your hand. For example, if you play 5-5 as the first domino in a trick, you are counting to your partner that you have one point domino or one trump in your hand. If you play 5-5 and then 4-6 in the next trick, you are counting to your partner that you have two point dominoes or two trumps in your hand.


Domino 4 2 is a fun and challenging game that requires skill, strategy, and teamwork. It is a great way to enjoy playing dominoes with your friends and test your abilities. By following the rules and tips we explained in this article, you will be able to play domino 4 2 like a pro and have a blast!


What is the origin of domino 4 2?

Domino 4 2 was invented by William Thomas and Walter Earl in Texas in the late 1880s. They wanted to create a game that combined their love of dominoes and card games like bridge and spades. They named it Texas 42 because it was played with 42 dominoes and required 42 points to win a hand.

What are some variations of domino 4 2?

There are many variations of domino 4 2 that change some of the rules or scoring methods. Some of the most common variations are:

  • Nello: A bid of zero points that means the bidder's team will not win any tricks or point dominoes.

  • Plunge: A bid of 42 points that means the bidder's team will win all seven tricks and all point dominoes.

  • Sevens: A bid of seven points that means the bidder's team will win exactly one trick.

  • Splash: A bid of any number followed by "splash" that means the bidder's team will win exactly that number of tricks.

  • Nines: A variation that uses nine suits instead of seven by adding blanks (7-0) and nines (6-3) as new suits.

What are some other games that can be played with dominoes?

Dominoes are versatile and can be used to play many different games besides domino 4 2. Some of the most popular games that can be played with dominoes are:

  • Block: A game where players try to get rid of all their dominoes by matching them with the ends of the domino chain on the table.

  • Draw: A game similar to block, but players draw from the boneyard (the pile of leftover dominoes) when they can't play a domino.

  • Muggins: A game where players score points by making the ends of the domino chain add up to a multiple of five.

  • Chicken Foot: A game where players create a "chicken foot" pattern by placing three dominoes with the same suit around a double.

  • Mexican Train: A game where players create their own "trains" of dominoes that branch off from a central hub.

How can I improve my skills in domino 4 2?

Domino 4 2 is a game that requires practice, patience, and observation. You can improve your skills in domino 4 2 by playing regularly with different opponents, learning from your mistakes, and studying the strategies and tactics of experienced players. You can also read books, articles, and blogs about domino 4 2, watch videos and tutorials online, and join online communities and forums where you can chat with other players and ask for advice.

Where can I play domino 4 2 online?

If you don't have a set of dominoes or friends to play with, you can still enjoy playing domino 4 2 online. There are many websites and apps that offer free or paid online versions of domino 4 2, where you can play against real or computer opponents, join tournaments, and chat with other players. Some of the most popular online platforms for playing domino 4 2 are:

  • : A website that allows you to play domino 4 2 for free against other players or bots, with customizable rules and settings.

  • : An app that lets you play domino 4 2 for free or for real money against players from around the world, with leaderboards and achievements.

  • : An app that offers a variety of domino games, including domino 4 2, for free or for a small fee, with realistic graphics and sound effects.


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